Be your own boss.
​Develop your knowledge of the aquatic environment. Learn about the technology available to monitor it. Understand a little about the Genetics behind the why. Yip let's gather data for the sustainable science folks,
and best of all be your own bass fishing boss.


Tools and Data
DataPro Partners enjoy access to fishing and technical data that no one else gets.

GPS & Location Based
Dispatch system for sales leads, Fishing contest delegation and design

Support Networks
Dedicated professionals to to help you build your business
on a proven Website template.

Targeted Support
Targeted coordinated consistent publishing

Work Space available for the qualified.
An opportunity to Get part ownership in a Company and have a territory to sell Crazy Good Products into.

Fish Nature is in a unique position. We see ourselves as a pioneer building fishing tools to add value to real time digital transformation. The data gathered providing deeper understanding for the science of sustainability. Providing our community with a platform that facilitates the great work done by Elemental Methods in conjunction with NOAA.
Ultimately helping SCCWRP and others find molecular links to genetic defects in wild fish.
Folks have been building fishing Lures for 23k yrs. Here at Fish Nature we create ground breaking
lures. The stuff of dreams. We build them using the latest material science has to offer, computation and feel.
Using Cool game mechanic's we speak to the next generation fostering the love for Nature because we believe the best stewards of Nature are those that spend every second they can Fishing!

Drop us a Line!
Fish Nature Inc
3550 Stevens Creek Blvd #330, San Jose, CA 95117
Tel: 408-412-9920
Territories are FREE.
Stake your Claim!